VMA-224 Scrap Book
1963 - 1966
 VMA-224  Photos
Left wing is the Officers Mess and right wing is the Officers Club located on the Chu Lai beach.  Movies were shown at night between the O'Club and the beach.   June 1966.
Chu Lai's only Mess Hall (1965) where officers and enlisted men waited there turn in line.  The new Officers Mess (below) was completed in early 1966.
George Felt, Capt Healy and ____ in the new Officers Mess.
                                                                                  June 1966.
Cuneo and McHale in the new MAG-12 Officers Club.
                                                                                  June 1966.
Marine Air Group 12   C.P.  - Chu Lai - 1966
Chu Lai  ~  Home-Sweet-Home
Looking S/W towards the VMA-211 flight line  from Marine Air Group 12 C.P.  -  December 1965.  
 "Two Holer" The sign on the door reads "Company Grade Officers Head" and the sign in front reads "Company Grade Transient B.O.Q."  
Company Grade Officer's Country 10.15.65
Company Grade Officer's Country   10.15.1965
VMA-224 EM Tent Area - Chu Lai
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Burning the Latrines with jet fuel took place each morning.  A couple of hours later the cut-off 55 gallon drums were placed back in the "Biffy."  The fumes took a while to disappear, and if you entered of necessity too soon your clothes absorbed the essence, and all souls gave you a wide berth.